Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poet Of The Week

This week I would like to shift attention from today's contemporary poets, to the greats of the past. This week's poet of the week is Pablo Neruda. I recently started reading more of Neruda's work since it was suggested by my professor. I instantly fell in love with his work. His imagery is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. He can go into sooo much detail, it's mind blowing. One of the poems my professor gave me by Neruda is "Toward an Impure Poem." My favorite line is "Let that be the poetry we search for." He is the piece for your enjoyment. You can view some of his other work on poemhunter.com.

Toward An Impure Poetry
by Pablo Neruda

It is good, at certain hours of the day and night, to look closely at the world of objects at rest. Wheels that have crossed long, dusty distances with their mineral and vegetable burdens, sacks from the coal bins, barrels, and baskets, handles and hafts for the carpenter's tool chest. From them flow the contacts of man with the earth, like a text for all troubled lyricists. The used surfaces of things, the wear that the hands give to things, the air, tragic at times, pathetic at others, of such things---all lend a curious attactiveness to the reality of the world that should not be underprized.

In them one sees the confused impurity of the human condition, the massing of things, the use and disuse of substance, footprints and fingerprints, the abiding presence of the human engulfing all artifacts, inside and out.

Let that be the poetry we search for: worn with the hand's obligations, as by acids, steeped in sweat and in smoke, smelling of the lilies and urine, spattered diversely by the trades that we live by, inside the law or beyond it.

A poetry impure as the clothing we wear, or our bodies, soup-stained, soiled with our shameful behavior, our wrinkles and vigils and dreams, observations and prophecies, declarations of loathing and love, idylls and beasts, the shocks of encounter, political loyalties, denials and doubts, affirmations and taxes.

The holy canons of madrigal, the mandates of touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing, the passion for justice, sexual desire, the sea sounding---willfully rejecting and accepting nothing: the deep penetraion of things in the transports of love, a consummate poetry soiled by the pigeon's claw, ice-marked and tooh-marked, bitten delicately with our sweatdrops and usage, perhaps. Till the instrument so restlessly played yields us the comfort of its surfaces, and the woods show the knottiest suavities shaped by the pride of the tool. Blossom and water and wheat kernel share one precious consistency: the sumptuous appeal of the tactile.

Let no one forget them. Melancholy, old mawkishness impure and unflawed, fruits of a fabulous species lost to the memory, cast away in a frenzy's abandonment---moonlight, the swan in the gathering darkness, all hackneyed endearments: surely that is the poet's concern, essential and absolute.

Those who shun the "bad taste" of things will fall flat on the ice.

War Journal

So I decided to write my poem for this week's class about my favorite comic book character, The Punisher. I decided to take the scene from Civil War where Captain America is beating down the Punisher for shooting two super criminals who offer their help to the resistance. The poem is his thoughts during the beating and I hope I captured his character well. Let me know what you think and enjoy!

War Journal

Blood gushing from face
As fist makes contact
Adds a new scar
Scars build character

Good, stay sunny
Should be over soon

Face meets foot
Then knee
Blood dances through air
To lyrics of
He's insane
An animal
A psychopath

Don't Understand
These thieves and murderers
Vermin of the Earth
Deserve nothing less
Than the Hell I send them to

They think I'm crazy
Waging this one man war
But the true pyschos
Stole everything from me

And where were they
When it happened?

Off playing hero
Saving the world
But what about
Saving people from themselves?

Right under their noses
The pain, the suffering
Do they truly save anyone?
No, they can't truly save anyone
To busy being high and mighty
Fighting to see who is better
While the rest of us drown

They let you drown

Drop to the floor
Blood seeps down into my soul

It's cold
Know your watching me
And I'm sorry

Maybe this is all
So I can get to you again

There is no other road for me now
No redemption in the end

Pray this is all
So I can get to you again

Prose Poem

This is a prose poem I had to write for my class last week. It's an experience I've had that I just changed and put into a dream setting. The song I reference is "I Want To Now Your Plans" by Say Anything. Hope you enjoy!

She enters the lush Eden of my subconscious, this Eve to my Adam. She lies next to me among the bed of tall grass my mind so graciously prepared. Soft hands begin to gently rub the back of my neck. I can feel goosebumps race up my body, hairs standing on end. I sink my hands into fertile soil then grip tightly, trying to keep composer. She leans in closer to me, her breathe invades my lungs. I’m lightheaded, high off her essences as I try to keep my legs from squirming like a five year old. But I begin to fall into the never ending abyss of her eyes. Taking me to places that make this garden paradise I’ve created look like the tiny flower bed my mother tends to. I can feel the numbness in my limbs, but I somehow force my arm up as my hand begins to explore the delicate hills of her back. Music begins to play in the distance…

Your what keeps me believing
The worlds not gone dead

My hand grows the balls my subconscious self seems to lack as it pulls her closer, her body melding into mine. My lips seem to grow them next as they slowly crash themselves into hers. I try very hard not to faint. Try to keep my soul packed tightly into my body so it doesn’t burst out leaving me dead because let us be honest that would be awkward. I press her even tighter up against me as if afraid of never feeling warmth again. I pray it doesn’t end, pray I don’t wake up. Music continues to play in the distance…

Strength in my bones
Put the words in my head

It starts to rain in paradise as she stops kissing me. She breaks our tight embrace and looks at me with sadness in her eyes that could break the heart of a god. She tells me she can’t stay. Tells me that she has feelings for me, but can’t stay and she doesn’t want to hurt me. I go to respond, to ask her why, but my head nods in understanding like it’s no big deal. I try to force myself to speak, yet nothing comes out. I’m frantic, my body is betraying me the bastard that it is and I look to the heavens with pleading eyes. I’m begging for the music to play louder, but getting nothing in response. She tells me that she won’t be around anymore, that she may be back in a few months, but can’t promise anything. Says she is sorry but she doesn’t know where she’ll be in the future. My head still nods, but my mind screams “Wait! We can make it work. We may be at different points in life, but we can make it work.” The sadness in her eyes is driving me to the brink of insanity. She starts to walk away as my Eden becomes ablaze, her every step reducing in to ashes. I look again to heaven, with praying eyes asking for whatever muse to please sing to her, but still nothing. She disappears from my subconscious as I sit in a paradise lost. I weep to myself as music continues again…

When it pours out to paper
It’s all for you
Cause that’s what you do

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Poems Continued

So this is another poem to expand upon my love poems vol. 1 that I posted back in August. Hope you enjoy!


That the words
I write on this page
Come from a sane mind
Because I don’t think
That just because I may
Day dream
Or otherwise
Think of you constantly
Should be grounds
For insanity

That as I lie
In bed
Waiting for sleep
To come
I think of you
And wonder
Why you’re not
Lying here next
To me
Because it’s just
So cold being
All alone

That I think
Your one of the
Most beautiful
Girls I’ve ever seen
And I would
Tell you that everyday
Through my best verses
And trademark them
With a passionate kiss

That just being
Near you makes me
Everything from
Your smile
To the sound
Of your voice
Makes me
Feel alive

That I really
Don’t know
What to do with
Myself when your
Not there

I guess what
I’m trying to say
Is that I want you
To understand
That I care
So much
About you
That I just wish
That you were here
With me
And to understand
How I feel about you

Just want you
To Understand