Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Poems Continued

So this is another poem to expand upon my love poems vol. 1 that I posted back in August. Hope you enjoy!


That the words
I write on this page
Come from a sane mind
Because I don’t think
That just because I may
Day dream
Or otherwise
Think of you constantly
Should be grounds
For insanity

That as I lie
In bed
Waiting for sleep
To come
I think of you
And wonder
Why you’re not
Lying here next
To me
Because it’s just
So cold being
All alone

That I think
Your one of the
Most beautiful
Girls I’ve ever seen
And I would
Tell you that everyday
Through my best verses
And trademark them
With a passionate kiss

That just being
Near you makes me
Everything from
Your smile
To the sound
Of your voice
Makes me
Feel alive

That I really
Don’t know
What to do with
Myself when your
Not there

I guess what
I’m trying to say
Is that I want you
To understand
That I care
So much
About you
That I just wish
That you were here
With me
And to understand
How I feel about you

Just want you
To Understand


  1. this is simple, i mean that in a good way. the feeling of unrequited love comes across strongly, and i think most people can relate to the thoughts you express in this poem.

  2. I think Shayna's got the right idea pretty perfectly here. You're not trying to do anything complicated, but it doesn't come across as a lack of any structure, it's just embracing simplicity.
