Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Prose Poem

This is a prose poem I had to write for my class last week. It's an experience I've had that I just changed and put into a dream setting. The song I reference is "I Want To Now Your Plans" by Say Anything. Hope you enjoy!

She enters the lush Eden of my subconscious, this Eve to my Adam. She lies next to me among the bed of tall grass my mind so graciously prepared. Soft hands begin to gently rub the back of my neck. I can feel goosebumps race up my body, hairs standing on end. I sink my hands into fertile soil then grip tightly, trying to keep composer. She leans in closer to me, her breathe invades my lungs. I’m lightheaded, high off her essences as I try to keep my legs from squirming like a five year old. But I begin to fall into the never ending abyss of her eyes. Taking me to places that make this garden paradise I’ve created look like the tiny flower bed my mother tends to. I can feel the numbness in my limbs, but I somehow force my arm up as my hand begins to explore the delicate hills of her back. Music begins to play in the distance…

Your what keeps me believing
The worlds not gone dead

My hand grows the balls my subconscious self seems to lack as it pulls her closer, her body melding into mine. My lips seem to grow them next as they slowly crash themselves into hers. I try very hard not to faint. Try to keep my soul packed tightly into my body so it doesn’t burst out leaving me dead because let us be honest that would be awkward. I press her even tighter up against me as if afraid of never feeling warmth again. I pray it doesn’t end, pray I don’t wake up. Music continues to play in the distance…

Strength in my bones
Put the words in my head

It starts to rain in paradise as she stops kissing me. She breaks our tight embrace and looks at me with sadness in her eyes that could break the heart of a god. She tells me she can’t stay. Tells me that she has feelings for me, but can’t stay and she doesn’t want to hurt me. I go to respond, to ask her why, but my head nods in understanding like it’s no big deal. I try to force myself to speak, yet nothing comes out. I’m frantic, my body is betraying me the bastard that it is and I look to the heavens with pleading eyes. I’m begging for the music to play louder, but getting nothing in response. She tells me that she won’t be around anymore, that she may be back in a few months, but can’t promise anything. Says she is sorry but she doesn’t know where she’ll be in the future. My head still nods, but my mind screams “Wait! We can make it work. We may be at different points in life, but we can make it work.” The sadness in her eyes is driving me to the brink of insanity. She starts to walk away as my Eden becomes ablaze, her every step reducing in to ashes. I look again to heaven, with praying eyes asking for whatever muse to please sing to her, but still nothing. She disappears from my subconscious as I sit in a paradise lost. I weep to myself as music continues again…

When it pours out to paper
It’s all for you
Cause that’s what you do

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