Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How I Got My Name

So during my first year at Bridgewater I got many opportunities to perform and recite my poetry on stage. My favorite performance by far was during an event called Express Yourself put on by Men Integrated In Brothehood (MIB), which I'm very proud to be a member of. During the event myself and my friend and fellow poet Alejandro did a joint piece entitled "Simply Poetry". The poem is a smooth love poem that we came up with and we had a great performance. As a twist to the presentation we invited two lovely female volunteers come up on stage while we recited our verses (I indicated which verses were whos). Thank you ladies if you are reading this. So my name simply poetry comes for the title of the poem itself, so with out further ado here is the piece and enjoy.

"Simply Poetry"
By Mike Malpiedi and Alejandro Ruelas

Excuse me miss
May have a moment -Alejandro + Me
Of your time

You see I seen pretty girls
And beautiful girls
And girls so cute you
Can't help but smile
And I've flattered them - Me
Spoke lines to them
But when I see you
It's like
I don't even know
What to say

If I may, let me say, that everyday,
I think of you.
I tuck myself in my wishful thinkings
In the hopes of finding you in my dreams - Alejandro
Only to wake up to the nightmares of my reality,
Realizing I'm not with you

Cause you see
When I dream
The dream I have
Is you
And its gotten
To the point
Where you just haunt - Me
Every corner
Of my mind
And all I can
Think about
Is the way your
Body sways
And how I hope
That one day our
Bodies my be intertwined
As one

One, one, one...
See i learned about you in biology class..
In a simbiotic relationship two become one, - Alejandro
And that one become thier own.
So lets prove that what makes two,
One and one, can be just one, and that one can be just us

Us, us together
Frozen in times
Our bodies touching
So gently so slightly
Morning dew
Gliding on a rose petal - Me
And I can't even
Begin to tell you
About all the ways
I could describe
Our lips touching
Its like
Its like I don't even know
Cause just the thought
Of the warmth
Of your lips touching
Mine gets my mind
And I don't even know

please transform my dreams into non-fiction.
If you save me a chapter
Ill read you from cover to cover
And ill open myself up to you
And you can read me like a book.
Let me run my fingers across your every binding - Alejandro
And say yes
And i would press freshly written roses
Into the pages of your soul.
Let me try to understand the meaning behind
Your every word and play with the lines
Of your palms and fallow them and see what i can find

Let me find my way
To the treasure that
Is your soul
Let me be the key
To the lock that is
You love and you spirit
Cause all I want
Is for you to be
My muse
And I would paint this - Me
World in your image
Make the Mona Lisa
I would draw
Your face in the stars
To remind God
Of the beautiful
Creation he has made

So excuse me miss
Wait whats that?
You want me to stop?
What am I doing to you? - Alejandro + Me
What am I saying?
Miss relax
See this
Is what your doing
To me
Its simply

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