Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What I Do and Why Im Starting This

So I decided today to start a blog that's going to share my talent to the world and that's poetry. I've been writing since I was fourteen and I haven't written too much, maybe 30 poems or so and I've been told by many people who I've read to that I'm good, really good. Now before you think this is me showing off, I would like to say I'm not. I want to show the world what I've done and I want to know what you think and how you feel. Right now I'm going to post a lot of my previous works, I don't have much new stuff written (I've been lazy), but hopefully this blog will get me back on track. And with what ever I post hit me with feedback, critiques, everything. I want to know if you love it, like it, what you love, what you like, if you think its mediocre or if you just hate it and tell me why. Tell me how to improve and what to do differently cause I want to grow and become better. And if you have anything you want to share post it up and I'll tell you what I think and what I like. Along with my own stuff I'll post links to videos of poems and poets that I like and ones that I find along my travels of the web. Tell me what you think or even poets you'd link to see and I'll try and find what I can. Like the blog says its a poet's corner and if you love anything about poetry stop here. Poetry is a beautiful art and I want to spread it, let it be heard and truly valued. This is a poets corner so stop, relax and take a second to listen.

1 comment:

  1. yay im glad i finally get to see your mysterious poetry!
