Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Poet Of The Week

As I said I going to being posting on various poets I enjoy and are some of the best I've seen. I'm going to make this sort of a weekly post where I'll focus on one particular poet. Figured I'd starting posting this now so that you guys can get an idea of what I'm doing with this blog besides just showing my own work. This week I'm focusing on a poet by the name of Shihan. Shihan is amazing, his poetry is deep, and his use of poetic tools is something to be admired. His poems carry strong messages within, focusing on how we as people work, love, and struggle. He also focuses on many flaws in society. My favorite two poems by Shihan are "Flashy Words" and "This Type Love". "Flashy Words" is a poem about how people enjoy living in lies then facing the truth of things- "We are more facinated by that which is fabrocated"- Shihan. It also has to do with living a truly honest life and learning from your words. "This Type Love" is simply a damn good love poem, one of the best I've heard. His videos are up on the side from when he did Def Poetry Jam. I encourage to take a look. Enjoy

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