Sunday, August 9, 2009

K today's poem is a pretty sad one that I had written back in high school. Back then I didn't have a very positive image about myself and who I was. I was very shy and awkward when it came to talking to the ladies. I'm still a little shy, but I'm light years beyond what I was. Anyway I wrote this poem about how I wished I could show my affection to women through the words that I write and if the title of the poem pretty much explains how I viewed myself, so I know it's sad but I still love this piece. Hope you enjoy.

"The Beast"

The beast sits in utter silence
In his cave of dark seclusion
Starring at his words of passion
Scattered across the endless walls
Of isolation
Words only the beast can see
Words only the beast can hear
Words never to grace woman's eye
Words never to bless woman's ear
So day to night
Dusk to dawn
He scratches his words of love
Across his endless walls
Of broken dreams
His words painting his desires
In a mind depressed
If only he could speak
And bless beauty's ear
With words of eloquence
To make her smile
To feel her touch
To taste beauty's lips
So pure
Yet day to night
Dusk to dawn
The beast scratches
His words
Across his stone cold canvas
Words only the beast can see
Words only the beast can hear
Words never to grace woman's eye
Words never to bless woman's ear
Words of romance unspoken

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