Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Love Poems Vol. 1

I know Ive said it before, I'm a romantic. If there was any theme for a poem that I would say is my favorite it is love, passion, romance, and any other synonym for love. I probably have somewhere between 10-12 different romantic poems that I've written so Ive decided to split them into volumes, instead of posting them all at once. I mean what's the fun in throwing everything out there at once. Plus, it would just take forever and I really dont have a enough focus to type them all out. Anyway, please enjoy love poems Vol. 1


I don't know why
But your the only
Thing on my mind
I don't know why
But whenever
I'm around you
I can't think
Of anything to say
And it's just
So hard
Even saying hello
To you
Cause you've got
My heart
Suck in my throat
I don't know
Why beautiful
I haven't known
You very long
But it hurts
To see you go
I wish you would
Just stay beautiful
I wish you would
Just stay
Maybe then
I would understand
Why I feel
This way

"I Want to Read You a Poem"

I want to read you
A poem
And when I say
I want to read you
A poem
I mean I really
Want to read you
A poem
I want to read you
A poem
And not have you go
Awww that's sweet
Then glide away
As gracefully
As you came
I want to read you
A poem
Not just so you can
Go to your friends
And say
" Ya so this guy
Read me a poem
and it was pretty good"
No see
I want to read you
A poem
Because through
That poem I'm giving
You my soul
I want to read you
A poem
To let you know
That when you look
My way you leave me
Dazed for days
With the mere fact
That you even walked
In my general direction
I want to read you
A poem
So that you understand
That when you walk
By me you leave me
Yet at the same time
My head is whirling
With all the things
I want to say
And that I don't even
Have enough words to describe
How perfect I think
You are
I want to read
You a poem
So that you understand
That even with all
My knowledge
Of the English language
The only word
I can speak
I your name
And I might as well
Drop out of school
Cause all I want
To study is you
And everything
About you is all
I want to learn
And how can
I pass my classes
When you fill
My mind completely
You see
When I say
I want to read you
A poem
I mean I really want
To read you
A poem
So that you can see
That I love you
And for you
To love me too

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