Thursday, March 11, 2010

From Hell

My last assignment for my poetry writing class was to write a poem in which the speaker is directing someone who is in some way lost. I had an idea of what I wanted to write and I was going to write a poem about a father and daughter having a conversation about beauty. The father was to going to be the speaker directing his daughter away from believing that she had to look like the models in magazines; explaining to her that she is already beautiful as she is. Cliche, yes, but beauty is something I deal with a lot in my poems, and I wanted to write a poem addressing the idea of magazines and photo shopped photos. That's what I WAS going to write, then it all changed after I watched the movie From Hell. From Hell is a movie based off the graphic novel, of the same name, by Alan Moore and stars Johnny Depp. It deals with the investigation of the killings of Jack the Ripper and Depp is Investigator Abberline who is trying to track Jack down. The movie is excellent and I encourage you to watch it. What caught my attention was the use of a quote at the beginning in which the Ripper himself was to have said. The quote is "One day men will look back and say that I created the twenty first century." Now I doubt this is an actually quote from the killer, but it stayed stuck in my head. So instead of writing what I originally sent out to write, I wrote a poem as if I were the essences of Jack the Ripper speaking to a twenty first century killer who has just killed for the first time. The poem is basically telling the new born killer not to be afraid and to keep killing because he will live forever if he does. He would be his name would be know throughout time. Now I do not condone killing in anyway, this was just me experimenting with creativity and exploring the idea of the mythos of serial killing. I did enjoy writing this poem and I would like to work on it more, expand upon it one day, so I hope you enjoy what I have written now.

From Hell

I have given birth to you
Sweet child
You are a descendant of greatness
Look down upon your masterpiece
Do not fear it
Embrace it
For you are the artist the world
Will remember
Your message will run deeper
Than the words of any poet
And when the men
And the whores of society
Look upon your work
Cast you out
For you are their true reflection
Know that their fear
Is a mask for their envy
Since you will become
What all want to be
You have immortality
In your grasp, my child
You are a god
And once you have ascended
To your immortal throne
They will worship you
Remember my child
Have no fear
Look back
For I have created
The twenty first century
Continue, embrace your art
For you will live forever

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