Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Class Poems

Hey Guys here are another two poems I've done for my poetry writing class enjoy.

This piece is about a girl who I've recently been intimate with and how it felt to me since I've never been intimate with anyone so it was a tremendous experience for me. Also in the assignment we had to use one line from every poem written the previous week.

A Dream

I am not really sure how it happened
Was like a dream really
She was beautiful, a pale figure
I invited her into my heart
Don’t know why
Just felt right
I mean, no one else lives
In any chamber
Just made sense
I wanted to tell
Her about all the poems
I could write from
The symbolism in her eyes
But spoken words dropped off
Like magic
As she kissed me
An invitation to a world of eccentricity
A rush of blood
As my heart raced
I began to ask myself
What it all meant
But I stopped caring quickly
Had been the one and lonely
Too long
This feeling
Felt like it could cause me to fly
I guess you call it living
Inject me with this feeling, I thought
I wanted this moment to last forever
Lying together
As we shake the last feeling of night
But life is primed to disappoint us
As I hugged her goodbye
Don’t have to leave
I thought to myself
Too late though, she was gone
Was like a dream really

This other piece we had to write a poem inwhich the speaker is hiding something or is keeping a secret from the people around him/her. So in my piece the speaker is hiding his virginity even though those around him who have had sexual experience can most likely tell what his secret is.

Alpha males

They like to call themselves
Quoting lines
From the romantic poets
Of our time
Pit Bull
Lil Wayne
Among the few
Laughing and bullshitting
Talk of woman
Not yet conquered
The trophies not yet won
The notches not added
To the belt
I laugh along with the rest
The black sheep that is me
Laugh like I’ve been there before
They can probably tell
I’m not like them
Can’t hide it very well
Hard to hide this
Leprosy that is
Actually emotion
Actually wanting
To care and love
They probably know
I’ve heard you even can
Notice it just in the way you walk
Maybe that’s why
The female population
Always seems
To have their hand
At the level of their eye
Whenever I walk by
And I’m sure they see it
These alpha males
They can see the beast
Wasting away
Watching his rose petals fall
Waiting on someone who
Actually cares

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