Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey so I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I apologize I just haven't had time to put stuff up on the blog (to the point I almost forgot I had one!). I'm looking into getting back into updating it again. I'm taking a poetry writing course this semester and I've been writing a lot more. So here are two of the pieces I have written this semester, hope you enjoy!

For this first piece we had to write a poem using terms from a math or science textbook. I wrote my poem based upon a friend of mine who had walked in on one of her boyfriends having sex with her best friend, so I compared this situation to the feeling of being/experiencing an earthquake.


Their bodies shift
Like plates tectonically
She stands across the room
As the moment magnitude
Of his moans
Her panting
Ravage her veins
Fault lines
Leading to the epicenter
In her chest
Words like
"More, more! Harder, Harder!"
Increasing the amplitude
Of this quaking room
As tears begin to erode
The sediments
Of her cheek
He looks up
Eyes meet
As the magnitude
Of dead silence screams
The damage is wide spreading
As the magnitude
Of dead silence pleads
God save me

For this piece we had to write about an abstraction, so I wrote about our society/ new generation's views on love and sex and how they have become interchangeable terms.

“a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person”
As defined by the dictionary

See bullshit
I think to myself
This word should be an
In my eyes but this
Clusterfuckerish society
Renders it meaningless
As they replace it with its synonym

“an act of sexual intercourse”
As defined by the dictionary

Didn’t know they were synonyms
Would explain why
When I told my friend
About this girl I’ve fallen for
He asked me
If I had fucked her yet
And why he told me
To stop being a pussy
When I said no

It would explain
Every song written
By the new generation
Drake, Akon, Lil Wayne
And why dancing
Has become an orgy
Of dry humping animals
To lyrics such as
“I want to fuck you, fuck you. You already know”

Explains why
It’s cool to say
“Damn you got a wix nice ass shorty”
Instead of tell her she’s beautiful
And why wondering
If he’s got a big package
Over shadows the reality
That he’s an asshole who
Treats woman like shit

And I guess
That’s why every love poem
I’ve every written is beautiful
To a girl
Until they realize it’s meant for them

And maybe I’m being crazy
I must have just misread love’s


“an act of sexual intercourse”
As defined by the dictionary

I guess I’ve just had it wrong
This whole time
So for my next poem

Baby, I just want to fuc-
I mean love you

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