Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poet Of The Week

So I've decided to start doing Poet of the Week again since I just realized I haven't done it in awhile. I promise to stay on top of this segment, a lot of stuff has been piling up in my life and it has been hard to keep up with every thing.

All that aside, the poet of the week is Ishle Yi Park. She is a poet I recently stumbled upon while going through Def Jam poets on youtube. Her poem "All I Have Ever Done Is Write You Love Poems" is really touching and an overall beautiful piece. It is by far my favorite piece that I have heard from her. Her poem "Pussy" is also quite good as well as very funny. I would check out all that she has to offer, so if you have the time check out the video bar on the right side of the page. Enjoy!


  1. I'll check her out. You should check out as much as possible Yusef Komunyakaa - hold on, I'll do my own poet of the week RIGHT NOW and post a link to it.

  2. BOOM: Nice little profile of Yusef, and a link to a bunch of his poems for free on the internet.


  3. I like where your head is at. I just read his first couple of pieces and I'm really digging it. I liked his "Ode to The Maggot" poem, pretty grim but his imagery is great, although grim. I like how he compares them to/makes them seem like godlike creatures. I especially like the lines "Master of earth, no one gets to heaven
    Without going through you first." That is a pretty true statement.

  4. Oh yeah, everything he says is pure fucking genius. If you get a chance, read as much of his stuff as you can. That collection barely scratches the surface of his greatness. He's really an incredibly gifted poet because he portrays his own personal experience in such moving ways without relying on overbearing language.
